

简  介

China Academy of the Belt and Road Initiative








Beijing International Studies University firstly established the China Academy of the Belt and Road Initiative (CABRI) in 2014. At the moment, CABRI serves as the Secretariat of BRI Think-tank Cooperation Association(International Department, Central Committee of CPC), the Secretariat of China Council for BRICS Think-tank Cooperation(International Department, Central Committee of CPC), the Online Council of China-Central and Eastern European Think-tank(Foreign Ministry), Member of the BRI International Think-tank Cooperation Committee(Xinhua News Agency), and the Research Base of Global Public Opinion at China International Publishing Group.

As a new type of Think-tank, CABRI directly serves for the initiative of "Silk Road Economic Belt" and "21st-Century Maritime Silk Road", providing an extensive platform for international cooperation and communication. The Academy contributes to China Central Committee, national Ministries and Commissions as well as Embassies along the route through many forms including B&R Research Notes, B&R Blue Book, B&R Forum and B&R Project. CABRI has been ranked as top5 academy on B&R Think-tank research by the State Information Center, Nanjing University and Guangming Daily for the past 5 years in row.

China Academy of the Belt and Road Initiative consists of several divisions such as Beijing Key laboratory of B&R data, Central and Eastern Europe Research Center, Poland Research Center, Global Public Opinion & Audience research Base, and so forth.

Beijing Key laboratory of B&R data is the first provincial key laboratory in the field of “Belt and Road” study in China, using digital devices for collecting and analyzing related data and offering suggestions for “Belt and Road” decision-making. The “Belt and Road” data analysis system, multi-language translate system, and public opinion & audience research system have been established, working for the countries along the “Belt and Road”.

Led by professor Haoguang Liang, the laboratory hands in research reports to government departments including General Office of the CPC Central Committee, General Office of the State Council, the “Belt and Road Initiative” leading group, Central Policy Research Office, the International Liaison Department of the Central Committee of the CPC, National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Commerce, and so forth. The Belt and Road Think Tank Report has become a reliable source for decision-making.

At this moment, CABRI focuses on the fields of investment security, cultural diplomacy, and language in transnational communication, running research projects such as “System Planning and Designing about Belt and Road Interconnection"(sponsored by the National Social Science Fund of China) and “Science and systems on Belt and Road” (sponsored by National Publication Fund of China) with influential outcomes in recent years.   

地址:北京市朝阳区定福庄南里1号北京第 二外国语学院求是楼901

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